Sunday, May 22, 2011

Here we go Again.

A while back I wrote about my thoughts on the end of the World. Well it looks like that was suppose to happen yesterday and I had high hopes of it ending only to be let down once again. Ok people that was a joke I really did NOT believe the end of the world was going to take place yesterday at all, you'd really have to be a complete moron to believe a guy that runs a $72 million dollar business. He trying to sell fear, and in selling fear business is good. The media loves to promote doom and gloom, Hell it sells more papers as well as books. The latest idiot to enter this fiasco is Harold Camping. Apparently he predicted the end of the world back in 94'. Really what is wrong with these people? Trust me they aren't crazy as the guy in fact did get people talking(Some believing his nonsense) about his end of the world prophecy that was suppose to occur yesterday at 6:00pm. As expected this DID NOT happen but it may have in fact caused some mentally disturbed people to commit suicide because they believed this idiots preaching. I'll be the first to say this world has gone to Hell in a high basket due to God being eliminated from the equation, I mean there really is no role models for kids anymore out there and the world has become a scary place, a place where good people are afraid to walk down the streets in fear for their safety. But that's another story, my belief is my belief and yours is yours, the bottom line here is that we have yet another false prophet shooting off at the mouth wanting to make money off your fear.

Corey Sim

Indie film

Coming across several indie Productions over the years I've come to learn that some still don't get it? For instance I stuck up for an indie Production company and it's film because their freedom of speech was breeched. Just because one person had called in to complain to a theater that was hosting two films that he or she didn't agree with the theater yanked the films from it's line up. But I defended this film but also said personally I wouldn't really watch the one because it's not my taste, well the filmmaker or who ever came at me with childish comments like "I wont watch your movies then", now I'm writing this down and as I am I'm finding it lame, that comment alone has made me not support anything else they do now either. Now I'm a guy that sits back and watches independent horror films and fully support them, so much so that I'm wanting to bring TROMADANCE here to Canada and have been talking to Lloyd Kaufman about it quite a bit. Which really brings me back to what I said in my last blog about being careful who you screw over in the business, because you just never know. But I still see the same mistakes, other indie Productions bad mouthing other indie Productions, or nobody sticking together as this really is a WAR, the big boys even want to take over the Net and weed out real independence as we know it. Sure they throw out their versions of indie films but then again they really aren't independent, I mean they have a budget, they have a full crew, they even have star power in these so called indie films. Once in awhile some films will break through(Very rare) and make Hollywood take notice, but then they buy the film as their own. Take Harvey Weinstein for instance, this guy bought up films left right and center so he could make a quick buck, and he walked over people to get there. I mean really listen to what Lloyd Kaufman is saying people, he fights for independent art, so should all involved in the indie film business. Remember like I said Hollywood is a machine driven by greed, they want your money, that's it.

Here is a few misconceptions about indie films.

1) Because they are independent and don't have star power that most think the films will be lousy and not worth seeing.

2) That there won't be a good story. Most are under the impression because a film isn't under a HUGE studio that there won't be a good story being told. This in turn is far from the truth, if people would take the time and give independent films a chance the will be surprised. I've seen some indie films that Hollywood(Even in their dreams) couldn't capture the creativity and the visions of some of these films.

3) The main part is star power. Because most indie films don't have star power people won't give indie films the time of day. The truth is that independent filmmakers as well as people involved such as cast and crew really give it their all as well, just like Hollywood, most of us actually work harder because we want to at least make some money off our visions or at least get somewhere in the business.

4) Because indie film deals with a smaller budget, crew and sometimes cast people think that's a downfall against us. Not really, if you read some of the higher up filmmakers they'll tell you they rather work with a smaller crew and cast as it's easier to handle. When the credits roll for some of these big films I find myself saying "I don't think I'd want a crew that big", I'm happy working with a small cast and crew of people.

Anyway just a few things I wanted to throw out there.

Corey Sim

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Film Festivals, Friends and the business.

Hello All:

I was just browsing the pics from the CANNES film festival and I really must say that they have strayed away from what film festivals are all about? Okay here's what I mean in regards to that. All film festivals were meant for the little guys(Independent film), but CANNES, SunDance and TIFF have all lost their way and surround themselves with star power from the world of Hollywood. The studios have taken over the real last hope for independent film in passing off their supposed indie films at these three film festivals. Back in the day TIFF(The Toronto International Film Festival) hosted two up and coming indie filmmakers films, they were Quetin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez and they were showing their films Reservoir Dogs and El Mariachi, both these two were unknowns at the time. But where did these film festivals decide to turn their backs on what made them a success? One film(Official Rejection) that I have yet to see tells some of the story on what it's like with these three festivals.

With independent film we work just as hard if not harder due to less crew and cast then the big boys up in Hollywood. Mined you of coarse we all want to get there and be comfortable and happy doing what we do, mainly making films. But these festivals should wake up a realize that indie film harvest a whole lot of great talent out there that Hollywood can't duplicate. Now a days in Hollywood films they are to focused on spending a bunch of money and making crappy films, I couldn't really remember any great films last year that really stood out in my head, maybe one or two, but not many and this year they continue the trend with more remakes and sequels and simply put, just bad movies that are ridiculous and make you think "Why?". One of my favorite films has been re-made and I'm telling you the remake looks absolutely pathetic. I'm talking about Fright Night. A film that was fun, a film where the characters were believable and that you yourself could relate to, now the remake has butchered that. My main point here is that these film festivals need to go back to their roots and take a look at the talent out there, I mean there are so many great indie films that will never get seen because Hollywood has their own agenda in keeping their shadows over us little guys who just want a piece of the pie and survive in this world(Film Business) as well. See Hollywood is driven by money, the little guys aren't because really we don't have any. The two films I did had no budget really, minus food and stuff for cast and crew. But does bigger budget mean a better film? HELL NO! I've seen some really great true independent films in my time that surpass anything Hollywood can come up with. But to end this, please CANNES, SunDance and TIFF "WAKE UP" and give us a chance to shine.

On a little side note I never thought I'd be dealing with underhanded people yet again in this business. But people who called themselves friends(Who really aren't) think mainly about themselves. I think about the motto be careful who you screw over because you never know who you are going to run into on the climb up, I have a secret and don't believe in screwing people for my gain like some have done(That's not the secret, I'm keeping it Hush,Hush because I DON'T have an ego). Remember at this level(Independent) sticking together is the key, it's the most important element in this business. Remember friends actually want to know how one is doing and take the time out to find out about them, and when they give an opportunity you don't screw them over in the end. My secret will remain a secret for the time being, just grateful for an opportunity that has been offered to me.

Corey Sim

Sunday, January 30, 2011

THAT UNLUCKY NUMBER 13:Directors Notes.

By Corey Sim:

Going into another film I was nervous but also excited to get it going. I mean we were going into this cold and didn't really have an idea where to take this film as well as so many dropping out from the get go. But then everything came together and we managed. I mean we found the greatest people to help work on this with us and it was nothing short of amazing. We have all become friends and I'm happy to call them my friends and so proud of everybody that's a part of this film in helping my vision as well as Meghan's vision come to life. The great thing here is that all involved are devoted to this, they all want to be here and make films or be apart of them. We all want to change the independent scene one by one and show that its worth taking a look at instead of focusing on the mainstream garbage that plagues the movie theaters.

I'd like to get it out there that mainstream Hollywood tries hard to keep down us indie folks because they have a lack of respect for the art of the independent film market. They create so called independent films but really they are the wolves in sheeps clothing, they play a game of cat and mouse. You see in a so called Hollywood indie film they have star power, take Black Swan, a great film no doubt, but still rely on name power with that of Natlie Portman within the film. The little guys, the REAL indie guys and gals have to work harder to get somewhere other then hiding in the shadows waiting to come out from behind the evil entity known as Hollywood. I'll use a quote from one of my inspirations in that of Robert Rodriguez... "Don't give me any money, don't give me any people, but give freedom, and I'll give you a movie that looks gigantic." This quote is very true. Trust me REAL indie work with out a budget, we don't need one, even to tell a great story.

Anyway my latest film That Unlucky Number 13 is coming a long great. So very lucky as well as happy to have great people apart of this. This film is a horror film with twist and turns and it's about a demented female serial killer(Meghan Sardesai). Meghan Sardesai who plays "Frankie" the killer is a close dear friend of mine who is a very talented actress, she was so into playing this character and it shows on screen, she gets right into it, it blows your mind just watching her.

So be on the look out for "That Unlucky Number 13".