How to really watch a film is a simple task that will prep you in your filmmaking venture. First lets start with some simple rules. Yes even filmmaking has rules. Lets start with the 180 rule. It can be cheated but most filmmakers rather not.
180 RULE
As you can see in the image the camera stays on the right of its subjects. There is an imaginary line the keeps the camera(s) on the side. This is easy for when you take your film into post as well. You won't give the editor a difficult task. Also never have your actors cross camera or have one blocking out the other. For example if your doing an over shoulder you want to be able to see your subject facing camera so you catch their dialogue & if there is an expression on their face involved. Your audience needs to see this as its important to your respective film.
Push and Pull with Quick Cuts Technique
Hurt Locker to many filmmakers use this certain technique. But to me for intense films like the Hurt Locker it works really well. If you watch this clip from the Hurt Locker you'll see this technique. It simply means the camera zooms in quick then pulls out just as quick. Plus adding fast cuts really brings your viewers into the film more and brings forth emotion. Indy filmmakers do tend to use this technique more then studio films. But its best if you can find a good D.O.P./Cinematographer that knows this technique. Also it helps if you have a great Producer/Director that will listen to a cinematographer that knows it.
Slow motion will really bring out the emotion in your film. Yes its best to add that your going to use slow motion within your film so you know the area or areas you'll be using it. Take DRIVE. A Masterpiece in filmmaking. In the scene listed the slow motion really bring out emotion. As an indy filmmaker you need to stand out and tell a great story. Your telling a story with moving pictures. Slow motion really captures RAW emotion.
B & W And Playing with Shadows
My video with push & pull plus playing with light
Black and White really sets a certain mood for your film. Take the 1922 film Nosferatu directed by F.W. Murnau & written by Henrik Galeen for instance. A classic silent film to where the B&W really fit this dark tale. But in the clip I've chosen from this film you'll see the shadow of the Vampire walking up the stairs. Using lighting techniques to play around with shadows is artistic expression. In Django Unchained Tarantino using this brilliantly. You'll see the character Broomhilda laying with her back to a door. Then the shadow of Django appears. People instantly know who it is. Same technique was used in Raiders of the lost Arc. You see Marion at her bar and the shadow of Indie appears. This technique is very effective.
Main thing for indy filmmakers to realize that different is good. Using these and learning other techniques will help make your film(s) stand out. You'll often run into jealous people. But stay true to who you are. Its better to be humble in this business then being a jerk. I am friends with some great filmmakers and they stay level headed.
Important Things
Networking with other filmmakers, actors, writer etc is a great idea as well. There are great sites like to help you find different people in your area looking to get experience. Film school is an option in networking. But with most film schools they'll teach you mainly what everybody else is doing. Like said you want to stand out. I know where I live there is places for people interested in the film business to meet up at. If you have this option then please go to them.

Please support indy filmmakers and their films. Just because something is independent does not mean that its not going to be any good. I'm listing a few sites where you can catch some great independent short films below. Happy Filming.
Also youtube has some great shorts...
Corey Sim
TIME KNOWS FILMS Productions ©
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