Once again the fear mongers rear their ugly heads. I'm going to throw a bunch of scenario's that basically border on the lines of stupidity. I tuned into a show called Unsealed: Conspiracy files. Last nights episode spoke in depth about a Zombie invasion. Yes I'm being serious here. They had stated a Zombie invasion is on the horizon and this will be the end of humanity as we know it. So keep an eye on the person sitting next to you they could be sitting there one minute and the next trying to eat your brains or take a massive chunk out of your ass. As brought up in a previous post that dealt with the same subject I pointed out that the Mayans never predicted the end of the world. EVER. This was stories made up by fear mongers to try and sell fear to the public. Hey some need to sell their books,films, music etc some how. Why not through fear? Hey fear sells very well. But December 21st 2012 has passed us and not surprising not a single thing happened. No Natural disasters. No sudden power outages. No acts of God's wrath. Nothing. So people believed this crap so much that they spent all their money and went bankrupt. Ridiculous. But surprising there were no suicides. But a Zombie invasion people. Who else is going to make an appearance? Dracula? The Wolf Man? Frankenstein? I guess these people are thinking its going to be like the plot of Cabin in the Woods. Listen. Zombies, Vampires, Werewolves etc are apart of fiction. Yes there are people that believe that VooDoo really works and that some VooDoo Priest can some how make the dead become alive once again. But thats due to a drug. Zombies aren't real. They are apart of my favourite film genre horror. But hey maybe I should stop and think. And really watch people. Because you never know. They might attack you and want to make you their main coarse.
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