Hello All:
I was just browsing the pics from the CANNES film festival and I really must say that they have strayed away from what film festivals are all about? Okay here's what I mean in regards to that. All film festivals were meant for the little guys(Independent film), but CANNES, SunDance and TIFF have all lost their way and surround themselves with star power from the world of Hollywood. The studios have taken over the real last hope for independent film in passing off their supposed indie films at these three film festivals. Back in the day TIFF(The Toronto International Film Festival) hosted two up and coming indie filmmakers films, they were Quetin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez and they were showing their films Reservoir Dogs and El Mariachi, both these two were unknowns at the time. But where did these film festivals decide to turn their backs on what made them a success? One film(Official Rejection) that I have yet to see tells some of the story on what it's like with these three festivals.
With independent film we work just as hard if not harder due to less crew and cast then the big boys up in Hollywood. Mined you of coarse we all want to get there and be comfortable and happy doing what we do, mainly making films. But these festivals should wake up a realize that indie film harvest a whole lot of great talent out there that Hollywood can't duplicate. Now a days in Hollywood films they are to focused on spending a bunch of money and making crappy films, I couldn't really remember any great films last year that really stood out in my head, maybe one or two, but not many and this year they continue the trend with more remakes and sequels and simply put, just bad movies that are ridiculous and make you think "Why?". One of my favorite films has been re-made and I'm telling you the remake looks absolutely pathetic. I'm talking about Fright Night. A film that was fun, a film where the characters were believable and that you yourself could relate to, now the remake has butchered that. My main point here is that these film festivals need to go back to their roots and take a look at the talent out there, I mean there are so many great indie films that will never get seen because Hollywood has their own agenda in keeping their shadows over us little guys who just want a piece of the pie and survive in this world(Film Business) as well. See Hollywood is driven by money, the little guys aren't because really we don't have any. The two films I did had no budget really, minus food and stuff for cast and crew. But does bigger budget mean a better film? HELL NO! I've seen some really great true independent films in my time that surpass anything Hollywood can come up with. But to end this, please CANNES, SunDance and TIFF "WAKE UP" and give us a chance to shine.
On a little side note I never thought I'd be dealing with underhanded people yet again in this business. But people who called themselves friends(Who really aren't) think mainly about themselves. I think about the motto be careful who you screw over because you never know who you are going to run into on the climb up, I have a secret and don't believe in screwing people for my gain like some have done(That's not the secret, I'm keeping it Hush,Hush because I DON'T have an ego). Remember at this level(Independent) sticking together is the key, it's the most important element in this business. Remember friends actually want to know how one is doing and take the time out to find out about them, and when they give an opportunity you don't screw them over in the end. My secret will remain a secret for the time being, just grateful for an opportunity that has been offered to me.
Corey Sim
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