We live in an era where people will believe any type of hype that comes our way, even if it is doom and gloom. Now with 2012 on the horizon it starts again with a new chapter of doom and gloom, first it was Y2K, everybody was freaking out, it is human nature, but in truth as a writer some will do anything to get their names out there and their respective books as well, so the latest craze is 2012, where these nuts have looked to the Mayans as their stepping stools to pawn off more book sales. OK, here is what will happen, everybody will wake up December 22nd 2012 and realize not a damn thing happened, this will be a disappointment for people that hate their jobs and know they have to go into work on this very day, you see it is all about marketing. It is the same with movies, like for instance the movie 2012, this is a big budget film that is about the end of the world as we know it, but films like this are made to make money, nothing more or nothing less, same with the books, and web site owners who play the game as well get more hits on their websites, plus newspaper that have head lines saying "I had Big foot's baby" on them also play up to the doom and gloom trend, it sells their product, FEAR sells, bottom line. Why are we going to the Mayan's? There have been so many others that have predicted the end of days, Nostradamus to name one, did we listen to his babbling? NO, so why the Mayan's? Anyway to make this shorter I will just say this, will 2012 be the end? Who knows, nobody can predict that, it could happen tomorrow.
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