By Corey Sim:
Going into another film I was nervous but also excited to get it going. I mean we were going into this cold and didn't really have an idea where to take this film as well as so many dropping out from the get go. But then everything came together and we managed. I mean we found the greatest people to help work on this with us and it was nothing short of amazing. We have all become friends and I'm happy to call them my friends and so proud of everybody that's a part of this film in helping my vision as well as Meghan's vision come to life. The great thing here is that all involved are devoted to this, they all want to be here and make films or be apart of them. We all want to change the independent scene one by one and show that its worth taking a look at instead of focusing on the mainstream garbage that plagues the movie theaters.
I'd like to get it out there that mainstream Hollywood tries hard to keep down us indie folks because they have a lack of respect for the art of the independent film market. They create so called independent films but really they are the wolves in sheeps clothing, they play a game of cat and mouse. You see in a so called Hollywood indie film they have star power, take Black Swan, a great film no doubt, but still rely on name power with that of Natlie Portman within the film. The little guys, the REAL indie guys and gals have to work harder to get somewhere other then hiding in the shadows waiting to come out from behind the evil entity known as Hollywood. I'll use a quote from one of my inspirations in that of Robert Rodriguez... "Don't give me any money, don't give me any people, but give freedom, and I'll give you a movie that looks gigantic." This quote is very true. Trust me REAL indie work with out a budget, we don't need one, even to tell a great story.
Anyway my latest film That Unlucky Number 13 is coming a long great. So very lucky as well as happy to have great people apart of this. This film is a horror film with twist and turns and it's about a demented female serial killer(Meghan Sardesai). Meghan Sardesai who plays "Frankie" the killer is a close dear friend of mine who is a very talented actress, she was so into playing this character and it shows on screen, she gets right into it, it blows your mind just watching her.
So be on the look out for "That Unlucky Number 13".